Almost all the boys made the pilgrimage to Sun Valley a few weeks ago. While Adam was in Los Angeles and Patrick was in Norway, Andrew and I made the haul from Portland, Lange and JoJo made the longer trek from Bellingham and Sean and John made a mere jaunt from SLC.
Without our resident photographer this year, the picture quality was sub par and sparse. This year we actually hit a cold front with day time temps in the low 50s and nights in the teens. Many more layers were worn and promptly shed with two good and lengthy rides in the mountains outside Ketcham, ID.
On this trip we did the Greenhorn/Imperial Gulch loop and a lollipop loop via Red Warrior Creek. Many beers were drank and succulent food consumed. Laughs were had at everyone's expenses. Fitness was attained.
We ended up taking a more leisurely approach to the weekend since four of the party basically pulled all nighters. The last day was spent eating a large breakfast and tickling some trout, aka fishing. Get your head out of the gutter.
Here are the photos that were taken:
The most impressing stunt of the weekend. Joelman pulls a one-handed wheelie while drinking a beer. |
Cute couple. Even Andrew cant bear to watch. |
Probably the best trailhead in the area. Greenhorn Gulch |
The man, the myth, the legend. |
Promptly before crossing Warm Spring River/Creek and having icy toes for hours. |
Navigating |
Sean always looks angry |
Mars Ridge |
R-L: Lange, Andrew and Joelman |
Andrews full suspension 29er at 8,000ft+ |
Promptly after suiting up at the trailhead, we were all faced with a frigid knee deep river ford in 40 degree temps. On the way, back we each took an attempt at riding it. Here is Joelman's spectacular fail. |
Always gotta end with the food pics! |
Thanks Lange! |
Food Coma! |