Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Daylight Saving = Seasonal Affective Disorder

Well it’s official. It is now dark even before I leave the office. To me, it now seems like I spend all day indoors. The remainder of the year will be spent working out in the dark by headlamp or training in doors. The darkness, combined with the wet weather, makes it very had to stay motivated to train. Not that I am training for anything in particular, just maintaining the fitness I do have will be the main goal of the winter season. I am thinking about doing some races in January and February: One 10k trail race with my sister Megan in late Jan., maybe the Orcas Island 25k, definitely the Peterson Ridge Rumble 40M, which is in April I believe, and maybe just maybe White River 50M during the summer. But time will tell.

In order to stay in shape, I am contemplating joining my parent’s gym membership at the Sunset Athletic Club in order to supplement my trail running and stationary bike workouts with swimming and rock climbing. Maybe develop some upper body muscle, I’m sure Kerrie would like that ;). Got to get some more details on that before I decide though. The club is right across the street from Columbia so it would be extremely easy to get too. Plus I can play some hoops as well.

This weekend I am hoping to do the Elk-King Mtn Traverse if the weather holds off. There is a chance of snow so that would make route finding very difficult given the already overgrown trail. The traverse is only 10M but the large elevation gain, weather, remoteness, and overgrown trail makes this a potentially sketchy run so I’m hoping I can enlist Adam as my partner, but he will most likely have to work now that Apple has started its holiday schedule.


1 comment:

  1. Skiing is a great way to stay in shape and gain experience for future expeditions. I bet your friend Adam will find time in his schedule to hit up the mountain.
