Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pursuing Other Modes of Singletrack Enjoyment

With my foot slowly working its way back up to form, I decided the spend the weekend pursuing other singletrack opportunities. While I was able to jog 4.75 miles on Friday with relatively little irritation, a trail run was still out of the question so Kerrie and I decided on finding a hike to do. I wanted to try something I hadn’t done before that didn’t have lots of elevation gain. I considered doing the 4T Trail in Portland, but rainy weather, limited visibility, and the fact Kerrie wanted to go to the Gorge crossed that out.

Nice map, although there seems to be more trails than this

In the end, we settled on Lacamas Park in Camas, WA. It was touted as a mini Forest Park with good waterfalls and was close to Portland so I thought we’d give it a try. Overall the Lacamas trails were pretty decent. Lots of trails connecting to a few main firelane arteries. The waterfalls were great. A couple cool bridges. Great wildflowers. Very good spot for summer swimming, although most likely crowed with locals during those times. Roughly 3-4 miles with little EG. Here are the photos.

World Record Salmonberry??

Victory Beers
The next day I wanted to get out and get some real fitness so after much back and forth on where to go, I settled hitting up Siuoxon River Trail in SW Washington for a little mountain bike exploration. This was my first time on this trail, and I had been wanting to do it for some time. Just never really felt like driving all the way out there. Although it actually isn’t all that far. Parked at the lower trailhead, rode back up the road to the upper trail head, then bombed down past the lower trailhead all the way to the Cushman Creek Crossover? (don’t have my map on me) then back to the car. The trail was in very good condition given the recent rain, only a few muddy section, but multiple easy and difficult stream crossings. Overall, the trail was excellent, definitely will do it many times in the future. Lots of other options for extensions with more climbing. It was fun driving the back roads with awesome views of MSH. Photos below. Hopefully the next ones will involve me running.



Cush singletrack
I contemplated riding through this crossing for about 2.5secs before screeching to a halt. Probably safer to walk it. And I was right, super fast flow and very slippery. Definitely doable when the water level goes down.

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